Scientifically Proven Step

By Step Formula

Multiply What You’re Earning

While Working Less

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind To Have What You Desire

"Sophie Borgel is one of the most effective people I have ever worked with."

Bob Proctor, Legendary Coach and Speaker, Proctor Gallagher Institute & Mentor Of Sophie





That Helps You Get More Out of Life.

Leave the ordinary behind and achieve extraordinary results.

Bring money in easily without burning out

Achieve higher levels of success and fulfillment

Maximize the benefit of your efforts

The freedom to live your life the way you want

Become The Master Of Your Mind

Controlling Every Thought And Willing Your Future Into Existence.

You deserve a world-renowned high performance success coach like Karen Brook,

who was personally mentored by Bob Proctor, to show you how to achieve your fantasy goals.


For Ambitious Individuals



Sophie has dedicated her life to helping you create generational wealth for you and your family.



Becoming aware of your current life and setting the intention to

create a new one.



The blueprint to improve your life.

Life goes by quickly...

That doesn't mean you're going in the right direction!

What is your life like right now?

  • You see others achieve better results.

  • You lack the guidance to know what to do next.

  • You are constantly pressed for time.

  • Let the fear of failure stop you from doing what you are passionate about.

  • You have personal or professional goals but you are not achieving them.

  • You have reached a plateau.

If you don't start transforming yourself and your business today, it will be the same situation a year from now.

Are You Finding Every Minute

Of Every Day Seems

To Be Taken...

...making it seem impossible to find the solutions you desperately need?

  • You earn good money but can’t keep it.

  • Having time to yourself is a distant dream.

  • Your health suffers due to the daily onslaught of your growing to-do list.

  • You can’t keep up with an ever changing environment.

Life Isn’t Meant To Be A Rollercoaster Ride That’s Continually Out Of Control.

As a mum, wife, multi 7-Figure entrepreneur, and visionary I understand what it’s like to see every minute as precious.

Being one of Bob Proctors Top 1% of consultants globally, I know what you need to ensure you get life back in control.

Use our scientifically validated methods to help you transform your life.




Where could you be in 12 months?

A client told me that he wished he had found me 20 years ago, that this was it. There's nothing after Thinking Into Results, that's what you need. You need to live your life in fulfillment.



You won't have to wait for the benefits of this remarkable system to be felt. Because it engages your mind on both conscious and subconscious levels, your mind will begin to absorb and respond to this information as soon as it receives it. In fact, you will experience a QUANTUM LEAP in your results from the FIRST MOMENT you start this program.


The impact of each phase of the Thinking into Result process is maximized by the power of repetition of the first and most important law of learning, which causes a fundamental change in the mental processes that create your results. Through this focused repetition, you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY form the habits that lead to long-term prosperity and PERMANENT abundance.


With each new goal you set, you find yourself aspiring to ever higher levels of success and fulfillment. Your desire to be, do and have more should and will never diminish, nor will the power of this system. With it, you will permanently possess the power to achieve EVERYTHING you truly desire, in the area of ​​your life, for the rest of your life. You will have your own reproducible formula for any objective.


You deserve to be here. It's time to stop stalling.

Time to create the life of your dreams!

You have questions ?

Not sure this is what you need?
Perhaps you have other questions that need answering? Questions about payment terms?
We are at your disposal.


Congratulations for being here ! And welcome to our complimentary masterclass!

I want you to believe that you are a powerful creator with infinite potential. The only pre-requisite is that you MUST want it and not settle for less than what you truly deserve. Prosperity is your birthright but you must connect back to its frequency. What makes me so sure you can do this ? Because that is what I have done and so many people have done it too! I have manifested so much: money, resilience, miracles in my journey , living my life on my own terms , irrelevant or pandemic and overcoming life changing personal challenges.

5 days is very little and yet it all starts here . I know for a fact that the lessons I share with you have transformed soo many lives.

It all starts with you. A new day , a renewed commitment to your growth. Make the decision and stick with it until the end of this master class and for ever.

Expect in abundance,

Sophie Borgel

Achievements From Proctor Institute


What is Thinking Into Results and why work with Sophie?

Thinking into results is a highly developed system by world-renowned success expert Bob Proctor to permanently change results and leap forward in all areas of life. Sophie is one of Bob Proctor's consultants and she has the unique ability to help people take what Bob teaches and immediately implement it into their lives to achieve explosive results consistently. No more guessing and hoping.

What if I don't have a clear idea of ​​what I want or my goal?

When will you be in the clear? Think about it. If your current mindset doesn't let you know, the only thing you can do is change your mindset. It may seem strange, but when you have cleared these blocks and are clear about where you are going and how to get there, nothing will stop you. It works for everyone, all it takes is wanting it.

Who is this mentoring opportunity for?

If you are looking to be more, do more, have more and give more, this program is for you. Whether you are employed or self-employed, whether you have a small or large business, we can help you. You don't need to have a clear goal, we can help that too. If you have the desire to grow and enjoy life more, this program is for you.

I've been studying personal development for a while now, will I learn anything new from it?

My question is: why are you here? You're always looking for something or something isn't working. Sarah is the perfect person to help you implement what you already know and become aware of things you aren't yet aware of. Most of the time we keep the knowledge of what we should do in our conscious mind. Sarah will help you move this knowledge to the subconscious, where results are created.

Will this work for me if I struggle with technology?

Yes, we use simple and common software and we will show you how to use it.

Will I get feedback on my progress during the program?

Yes, during weekly sessions you will discuss your progress and understanding directly with Sarah. There are also specific exercises where we will ask you to see your work to make sure you are on track. There is a lot of support from within.

How long does it take to complete the program?

Recommended study time is 60 to 90 minutes per day. We can recommend a course of study and tell you how to divide it effectively. Remember, we all have the same amount of time, so yes, you may not be 100% efficient now, but that's exactly why you need to work with Sarah to change this habit and create a structure that suits your lifestyle and your family so you can continue to grow and do what you love!



Client Testimonials

Thinking in Results with Sophie Borgel is guaranteed to be the best investment I've made in a long time. Before I started talking to Sophie, I was a strong doubter about my "direction" in life. Sophie was able to give me great strategic clarity and show me exercises that really prevent me from "stumbling" or getting lost in unnecessary self-doubt. What I appreciate about Sophie, besides her absolute integrity, is her warm-hearted, humorous, always - and never slackening - way of spurring me on. I consider it is a great privilege to be able to work with her.

Monika Raeb


You deserve to be here. It's time to stop stalling.

Time to create the life of your dreams!

You have questions ?

Not sure this is what you need?
Perhaps you have other questions that need answering? Questions about payment terms?
We are at your disposal.

© Copyrights by Sophie Borgel. All Rights Reserved.